美樂坊 Melos Music Center
Professional Instructors

Established in 2005, Melos Music Centre has built a reliable and professional teaching team. Comprised of professional musicians, graduates of recognised conservatoires and universities and qualified teachers, our teaching team also provides reliable and high-quality learning experience


Alecx Chung (Flutist)

Flutist Alecx Cheuk-Fai Chung is graduated with the highest honors (110 e Lode) with the Master in Flute Performance at the Venice Conservatory of Music in Italy (Conservatorio di musica "Benedetto Marcello" di Venezia) where he studied with Professor Federica Lotti. He is a cum laude graduate from the University of North Texas in the United States, studied with Dr. Mary Karen Clardy.

Born in Hong Kong, Alecx is an active soloist and performer in Hong Kong and also performed all over the world including the United States, England and Italy. Alecx performed as a soloist and principal flute with various ensembles including the Hong Kong Civic Youth Orchestra, Hong Kong Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, "Movie Classics" Orchestra of Venice and various chamber groups and orchestras.

During his time in the United States, he was invited as a guest soloist to perform for the International Chamber Music Series organized by the Lewisville Lake Symphony. He was the winner of the concerto competition audition to perform with the orchestra of the Venice Conservatory of Music. He was also invited by the Savinese music festival in Italy as one of the guest artists. He also collaborated with the Venice Biennale and performed in major venues such as La Fenice theatre, Goldoni theatre, Palazzo Grassi and Palazzo Ducale.

His masterclass performances include Andras Adorjan, Jean-Louis Beaumadier, William Bennett, Dieter Flury, Davide Formisano, Robert Langevin and Susan Milan.


Au Tsz Ching, Millie

Piano, Flute and Music Sightsinging Training Instructor
2009年畢業於香港教育學院音樂系,主修鋼琴,在學期間修畢奧福兒童音樂教育課程。同年考取聖三一ATCL演奏文憑試優異成績,先後師隨香港中文大學音樂系導師閻韻、俄羅斯莫斯科音樂學院鋼琴學派李若含教授,現習於鋼琴演奏家葉敏姍門下。另修研長笛演奏級樂曲。 2013年同樣以極優異成績考取聖三一LTCL演奏文憑。

逾10年教學經驗,現為大角咀沙崙禾學校、沙田主風小學特約音樂老師,教授長笛及鋼琴。除教授外,歐氏決意於音樂作多方面發展,包括為1/1 Leather Workshop 創作及錄製宣傳音樂、於Asia One 15周年演奏會、Singing DISNEY Singing Concert等中大型演奏會演演出; 於柏斯木管樂團擔任客席長笛手; 於文華東方酒店擔任伴奏師等等。


Eddie Leung

Mr. Eddie Leung, Violinist

Eddie Leung received his early musical training at the Hong Kong Music Office and was awarded Grade 8 Violin certificates by the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music in year 1997. He further obtained the Diploma in Violin Recital by the Trinity Guildhall.

Eddie is an experienced solo and quartet player. He is the Principle Violin of Musicista Ensemble which gives regular performances at various occasions. He has been invited to perform in the Sun Arcade, Cyberport Arcade, Seiyu Shopping Mall, Shun Tak Centre, annual dinner of Menulife (HK), and property promotion functions of Midland Property Ltd, to name a few.

Eddie Leung graduated from the University of Hong Kong and is currently fully engaged in the field of music education and music performance, and further obtained Certificate in Early Childhood Music Education from The School of Continuing Education ( SCE ) of Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014. Eddie has been holding violin teaching position at a number of primary and secondary schools, which includes SKH St. Peter Primary School, Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School, Raimondi College (Primary Section), True Light Middle School of Hong Kong(Primary and Secondary Section), responsible for ensemble coaching and private teaching.

Eddie Leung 從小開始於音樂事務處接受小提琴訓練,並於1997年考獲英國皇家音樂學院8級文憑,其後更取獲英國聖三一學院的小提琴演奏級文憑。

Eddie演出經驗豐富,現為Musicista Ensemble職業樂團的首席小提琴手,多次獲邀為不同場合作獨奏及弦樂四重奏表演,包括新太陽廣場、數碼港、西田百貨、信德中心、Menulife (HK) 週年晚會及美聯物業住宅銷售推廣等等。

Eddie Leung於香港大學畢業後致力投身於音樂教育及表演方面發展,並於2014年繼續進修並獲取浸會大學持續進修學院頒發的幼兒音樂教育文憑。Eddie曾任教多間港島區中小學,負責教授小提琴課程及小組室樂訓練,當中包括聖公會聖彼得小學、番禺會所華仁小學、高主教書院小學部、真光書院中小學等等。


Jeffrey Chan

Chan Chung Ho enjoys a prolific career as a performer. He has performed as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the United States, Germany, Holland, Japan, Taiwan, and China. Born and raised in Hong Kong, he has enjoyed working with professional music groups including the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Hong Kong Wind Philharmonic Orchestra; and with world-renowned conductors such as Edo de Waart, Jerry Junkin, Lu Gia, and Zhang Xian. Chan is also the founding member of La Sax, one of the most earliest and active saxophone ensembles in Hong Kong that promotes the art of saxophone playing.

Chan has distinguished himself in the international music scene by taking part in numerous saxophone master classes conducted by respected saxophonists, such as Claude Delangle, Eugene Rousseau, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Joseph Lulloff, Timothy Mcallister, Otis Murphy, and Kenneth Tse. He has also appeared in the world’s leading saxophone festivals including the World Saxophone Congress, the North America Saxophone Alliance Conference, the U.S. Navy Band Symposium, the Hamamatsu Wind Academy, and the Hong Kong International Saxophone Symposium.

Upon completion of the Music Talent Development programme and the Bachelor degree programme at the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts respectively, Chan gained his Master of Music degree from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, where he studied with international renowned saxophonist Taimur Sullivan in 2013. In addition to his performing career, Chan devoted himself to the development of classical saxophone playing in Hong Kong. Currently, he teaches at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, The Hong Kong Baptist University and The Education University of Hong Kong.


Jessica Siu

M.A. (Music), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
LTCL (Recital), Trinity College London
ATCL (Performance), Trinity College London

蕭老師擁有超過十年以上的教學經驗。從小接受正統鋼琴訓練,自幼師承項信恩、李璉亮兩位前上海音樂學院鋼琴系教授,考獲倫敦聖三一音樂學院ATCL (Performance)和 LTCL (Recital) 文憑。及後獲香港中文大學音樂系取錄,修畢音樂文學碩士學位,在學期間曾師隨著名鋼琴家羅乃新及閻韻,並積極參與多場大師班。蕭老師亦參與長笛教學工作,曾受聘於香港音樂及藝術家協會,為中、小學校提供長笛課程。除教學外,蕭老師亦是一位表演工作者,不時於各大酒店、商場、會所等作鋼琴和長笛演出。


Julia Chu

Julia 畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系榮譽學士學位 ,主修小提琴,並修畢香港浸會大學音樂教育文憑。

Julia有多年不同類型的音樂活動及工作經驗,曾在多間中、小學樂器班擔任小提琴、中提琴導師及弦樂團、管弦樂團指揮;亦曾經為不同音樂項目擔任表演嘉賓, 也參與不少校外之交響樂團和室樂團到珠海、台灣、澳門等地方演出和作音樂交流, Julia同時為弦樂四重奏的小提琴手參與婚禮伴奏、宴會配樂、音樂會、演唱會錄音等工作。


Kate Siu

B.A. in Music - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
ATCL (Recital) - Trinity College London

Kate started formal violin and piano lesson since she was six. She graduated from CUHK B.A. in Music where she received violin training from Ms. Beedarn Chao and obtained ATCL (Recital) in Violin.

Kate is passionate in music education and has many years of experience in teaching violin, piano and music theory in private and at schools. She is also an experienced accompanist. Besides teaching, Kate also has deep interest in performing and has been invited to various occasions to perform solo, chamber and band music etc.




Katrina Tang

BA--Kingston University
HKU--Dip. mus,
Advanced Certificate


(初級至演奏文憑級) 及 1至8級樂理


Lizzie Leung

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music, Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy
LTCL (Recital) in Cello, Trinity College London

Lizzie graduated under the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music at Hong Kong Baptist University at 2016, of which her major instrument is cello and she majored in performance. She has received musical training since childhood at Yip’s Children’s Choral & Performing Arts Centre and the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. She obtained LTCL in Cello performance and was awarded prizes in several competitions at Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. After her studies with Ms. Karey Ho, she is now studying under the tutelage of Ms. Chen Yi-Chun. Being enthusiastic in music, Lizzie also started her piano study since 6 years old.

Experiencing in playing in different ensembles, Lizzie is keen on participating in orchestras. Currently a member in the Hong Kong Federation of Women Six Arts Orchestra, she has been a member in the Baptist University Symphony Orchestra, the Collegium Musicum, the Junior Symphony Orchestra at HKAPA and Hong Kong Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra. She had been on concert tour in the past, places including New York, Zhuhai, Taishan, Zhongshan, etc. In 2014, she has travelled to the United States with the Collegium Musicum Hong Kong and performed at the Carnegie Hall. She has performed with renowned artists, including Valentina Lisitsa, Simone Lamsma, Colleen Lee, Zhang Hongyan, etc.

Lizzie has also performed as a guest cello player of various orchestras, including Polytechnic University Orchestra, Ponte Orchestra, and Hong Kong Youth Chamber Orchestra. In addition, she has been an active chamber musician and has participated in a variety of ensembles on campus, covering western, Chinese and contemporary music.


Nancy Yeung Shuk Han

-Bachelor Degree (Hons) of Music major in voice (HKAPA)

Yeung obtained her Bachelor Degree (Hons) of Music major in
voice at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) in 2013.
During her study in HKAPA, she received vocal training from different teachers, including Ella Kiang, Brian Montgomery, Jovita Leung, Nancy Yuen
and Katusha TsuiN Fraser.
She awarded Y.S. Liu Foundation scholarship for her study in HKAPA from 2007 to 2010. Yeung has won the second prize for the Yip’s Singing Contest and first prize for
the musical festival (art song) in 2009 and got distinction, nearly full mark, in
ABRSM grade 8 (singing) in 2008. She performed many operas include Aida,
Suor Angelica, Carmen, King Arthur, L’incoronazione di Poppea, Magic Flute and
Merry Widow. Currently she is a chorus member in Opera Hong Kong and she is
going to take part in The Flying Dutchman.
Yeung is active in education and is now teaching singing in Melos Music Centre .

楊氏在 2013年於香港演藝學院獲得音樂學士(榮譽)學位。在學期間,曾師隨不
慧老師。她曾於 2007﹣2010 年獲得劉元生慈善基金獎學金。
楊氏曾於 2009年葉氏歌唱比賽藝術歌曲組中獲得第二名,在 2008 年皇家音樂


Nicole Fung


- Bachelor of Music (University of Melbourne)
High distinction passed in Performance Study, Chamber Ensemble and Aural studies

- Studied under Professor Mr. Glenn Riddle in Australia and pianist Mr. Shum Kin Wai,
Miss Eva Lau and Miss Vienne Leung in Hongkong

- The 1st prize winner in piano recital in HKSMSA 1999
The 4th prize winner in Hobart Eisteddfod 2012
Honorable mention in Boroondara Eisteddfod 2012
〔 Over 8 years teaching experience 〕

Nico 於美樂坊教授鋼琴、樂理、視唱訓練 (aural training) 及伴奏,
學員在本屆2013年 校際音樂節比賽中獲得冠軍及亞軍成績

Nico 老師 Youtube ( Piano Recital ):


Paully Wong

Paully 從小對藝術及音樂已有濃厚興趣,早年考獲英國皇家音樂學院長笛及音樂理論8級文憑,及至2009年全職投入音樂教學事務。曾任教於多間音樂中心擔任長笛及音樂理論導師,學生考試成績優良。除此以外亦任教多間中小學之音樂小組導師,為啟發兒童及培育青少年的音樂教育作出很大貢獻。

Paully 演出經驗豐富,現為五星級酒店長笛手,並經常獲邀為不同場合作獨奏及室樂表演。


Vivienne Ng

BA (Hons) in Arts (Music) (HKU)
Piano Recital, Trinity College London
Theory of Music, (ABRSM)

Vivienne畢業於香港大學文學院,主修音樂系。於2006年加入美樂坊教授鋼琴、樂理、視唱訓練(Aural training)及伴奏。從事鋼琴教學有十多年經驗,其學生於考試及比賽成績優異,多次於各大小音樂比賽中取得三甲成績,現師隨岑小蕙老師深造彈奏技巧。


Alecx Chung (Flutist)

Au Tsz Ching, Millie

Eddie Leung

Jeffrey Chan

Jessica Siu

Julia Chu

Kate Siu

Katrina Tang

Lizzie Leung

Nancy Yeung Shuk Han

Nicole Fung

Paully Wong

Vivienne Ng