轉眼間美樂坊已經歷十個年頭,實在有賴大家一直以來的支持與信任。為紀念這重要的一年,我們將於2015年10月4日舉辦 "美樂十年.美樂坊十周年音樂會",屆時除了有學員們和老師們各展所長外,我們還很榮幸邀得駐校藝術家蔡崇力老師、周立松老師,以及莫里索鋼琴三重奏,擔任音樂會演奏嘉賓。希望大家鼎力支持,踴躍參與,一同見證美樂坊的第一個十年!
【Melos Decade.Melos Music Centre 10th Anniversary Concert】
Time flies, this is the tenth anniversary of Melos Music Centre. We deeply appreciate the support and trust from all parties. To memorise this milestone, we are going to have “Melos Decade.Melos Music Centre 10th Anniversary Concert” on 4th October 2015. In the concert, students and teachers will give their best to show their talents. We are also pleased to have invited our Artists-in Residence, including Mr. Choi Sown Le, Mr. Chow Lap Chung and Trio Morisot, to be our guest performers. We sincerely invite all of you to come and join us, to witness the first decade of Melos!