周立松由1986年至2008年擔任香港管弦樂團第一小提琴手。他六歲開始學習小提琴。十一歲時公開演奏曼德爾頌小提琴恊奏曲。早期隨北京中央音樂學院王振山教授學習。1984年於香港演藝學院畢業。1983年獲得全年最優秀學生奬,並獲前港督The Lady Maclehose Prize大奬。
1984年考獲香港政府提供的全額奬學金,在英國倫敦著名喬凱音樂及戲劇學院深造,師隨歐洲著名小提琴教授David Takeno。在英國學習期間的室内樂團教師包括Erich Greunburg(倫敦交響樂團首席)、英國室内樂團大提琴首席Charles Tunnel、四重奏成員Ian Jewel及鋼琴家Gordon Back等。
在英國學習期間,他參加 Guildhall School Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orch.,及現代音樂團等多個團體的演出。並参加YMSO、英國國家青年管弦樂團在倫敦的主要音樂廳的演出,包括Barbican Concert Hall,Royal Festival Hall及Royal Albert Hall。
周立松畢業返港後,考入香港管弦樂團,擔任第一小提琴手。同年獲香港電台(RTHK4)邀請於香港大會堂劇院舉行小提琴個人獨奏會。1993年與香港著名鋼琴家蔡崇力、美國大提琴家Larry Glazier創立了鋼琴三重奏;1995至2000年為香港弦樂四重奏成員,其間在香港藝術節、澳門藝術節、廣東省及香港的大專院校及主要的音樂廳、香港電台第四台及亞洲各大城市作定期演出。獲香港科技大學邀請為駐校藝術家及獲香港電台第四台邀請為駐台藝術家。其後獲澳門政府邀請於澳門Clube Militar De Macau舉行音樂會。
2001年,周立松於香港大會堂舉行了個人獨奏會,為香港慈善團體St. Barnabas Society and Home籌款。同年,他代表香港參加福岡音樂節。2005年在香港創辦了周立松小提琴藝術中心,從事音樂教育。2009年於香港大会堂音樂廳,與蔡崇力等音樂家,舉行室樂音樂會。2010,周立松與樂友.慈善音樂會,為非洲Malawi孤兒院。
Chow Lap Chung joined the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 1986, playing first violin for over twenty years. Began his violin study at the age of six, Chow performed his first concerto at the age of 11, playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. He spent his formative year with Mr. Wang Zhen Shan at the Beijing Conservatory of Music.
He studied at Hong Kong conservatory of Music, and owned the Lady Maclehose Prize as the best student of 1983.
In 1984, Chow won a scholarship provided by the Hong Kong Government to study with David Takeno at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London from which he graduated in 1986. His chamber music teachers were Erich Greunburg, Concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Charles Tunnels, Principal Cellist of the English Chamber Orchestra, lan Jewel of the Gabrieli String Quartet and the pianist Gordon Back among others. In the Guildhall School he formed a string Quartet and played with the Guildhall Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and the Contemporary Ensemble. Furthermore, he was invited to be a member of the prestigious Young Musician Symphony Orchestra (YMSO) in UK, and performed in major Concert Halls in London, including the Barbican Concert Hall, Royal Festival Hall and Royal Albert Hall.
Chow is an experienced violin teacher.recitalist and chamber musician. He performed widely in England, Hong Kong, Macau and China, and taught at the Dartington Music Festival in South London.
In 1993, Chow formed a piano Trio with pianist Choi Sown Le and cellist Larry Glazer, performing widely in Asia.
From 1995 – 2000, Chow was a member of the Hong Kong String Quartet which participated at the H.K. Art Festival, Macao Music Festival. Chow has also been a resident artist for RTHK (Radio4) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
In 2001, he gave a violin recital at the City Hall with pianist Carol Yu for St. Barnabas’ Society and Home Charity Concert, and in the same year he represented Hong Kong at the Asian Friendly Concert in Japan.
In July 2005, Chow founded his own “Charles’ Art Studio” in Hong Kong.
In 2006.2008,Charles ART Studio give a student concert at Hong Kong Cityhall .
In 2009 Chow with pianist Choi Sown Le, cellist Laurent Perrin and violas William Lane give a Chamber Music Concert. at the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall.
In 2010,Chow and his friends,give a Charity Chamber Music concert at City hall Theatre for Malawi Africa Children
Chow was a former lecturer at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and he is now a violin lecturer at the Music Department of the Hong Kong Baptist University and The Hong Kong University of Education.